Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Serious thought suffers another blow

A grave injustice has occurred at an ostentatiously wealthy Midlands university.

This year's Philosophy Research Fellowship was awarded to a young woman who has published a paper on 'Indistinct Perception' or some such topic, in a journal of analytic repute. This is all good and well: hopefully the paper will develop into a book etc.

The appointment takes on a very different complexion however, when it is revealed that, in competition for this post, was a chap who has just completed his PhD at said institution. This lad performed a variety of teaching duties this last academic year, and is well-liked amongst both undergraduates and graduates.

'But what has he published?' I hear you ask.
A tome, no less! Heidegger and Ethics, or something of the sort. Brought out by Continuum. Not exactly vanity publishing, is it?

The Heideggerian is a shoo-in, surely. On the books at Continuum, and already part of the local philosophical community. So why wasn't he hired?
Indistinct perception indeed...

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