Monday, July 18, 2005

Reporting the London Attacks I: Livingstone, I presume?

Sitting down to watch an evening news interview with man of the people Ken (for whom I once made a grande coconut latte, but that's another story), I was fascinated to hear him say that, during the Blitz, "sixty dead was a good day for London". I still haven't quite grasped his point, but perhaps I'm missing something. During the plague, six-thousand dead was probably a good day for London, but that's irrelevant.
Maybe he wants us to rejoice: thank god Al-Qaeda don't have any Stukas or Messerschmitts to get up to no good with. Then we'd really be fucked.

Should we be so hard on him? Any and every link is being made these days between the current situation and the conduct of heroic Londoners during WWII, no matter how absurd.
Also, we mustn't forget that the whole 'back in my day...' thing is very tempting indeed.

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