Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The joys of the Coventry job market

I had a group interview yesterday - all of us fighting tooth and nail for a ghastly market research thing at some kind of conference. Recession? They don't know of anything else round these parts.

Our 'task' was to ask the person in the neighbouring seat some questions, and then introduce them to the group using this information. Question number four was 'Why would you like to be a market researcher?'. I turned to the guy next to me (Kenneth) with a well-let's-be-honest shrug and said "to make a bit of money really" in as sheepish a tone as I could muster.

A short while later, Kenneth was called on to introduce me. No beating about the bush for him: "this is Andrew, and he's going for the job because he thinks market research is a fast way to make easy money." Ho ho, well shucks pardner!

The interviewer trained her beady eyes on me, forced a smile and said "that's very honest".
Let's just say Kenneth and I didn't part as best of friends...

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