Thursday, August 25, 2005

Is Top Cat the finest cartoon character of all time?

"Philosophy is not formal knowledge, fixed, abstracted from all feeling [...] Like love, the philosopher would be someone poor, dirty, a bit of a bum, always an outsider, sleeping under the stars but very curious, adept in ruses and devices of all kinds, reflecting ceaselessly, a sorcerer, a sophist, sometimes flourishing, sometimes expiring." - Luce Irigaray, 'Sorcerer Love' (in An Ethics of Sexual Difference)


The Couscous Kid said...

He might be, though there's something extra-special about Road Runner / Wile E. Coyote cartoons, too.

(Nice blog, by the way.)

dogmat said...

thanks. i've taken a liking to thunderbirds lately too, though that's not a cartoon

Francesca said...

As a child, Top Cat was a favorite of mine and still is. I love him. I love how tough and confident he is and so smart. I love how he outwits the policeman. And how he takes care of his gang. I'm going to introduce him to my granddaughter. I'm sure she will love him just as much as me.