Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Idle waffle

What fun. After a few weeks of teaching, my lecturers feel that they can relax in the company of their students. Good news for bottom-feeding pseudo-intellectual gossip blogs like mine.
Doctor Ampere shocked students with a diatribe on the evils of marketing. Advertising can never be art: those who direct their creative efforts towards increasing the sales of goods and services are "removed from the artistic register forever."
He also dismissed those shock-artists who, in effect, do nothing more than "piss around in the media". He then articulated a more subtle position, distinguishing between truly radical art and shite (elephant shite?).

Professor Elusive-Hyphen, on the other hand, showed his contempt for student opinion in a more hostile and daring way. During a lecture on Nietzsche, a Rag Week mob knocked on the door to the hall. "Five minutes for charity?" they ejaculated.
Elusive-Hyphen thought for a moment, then said distinctly: "No. No, not at all." When they were gone, he marvelled at their insolence: "Five minutes for charity...I was in the middle of a line of way...fuck off. Five, fuck off."
This was met with stunned silence, followed by the nervous pawing of Make Poverty History wristbands.

By the by, I bumped into Dave Distiller in the loo yesterday, and I realised that you never really know a professor until you have heard him say "a phenomenological account of transcendental arguments" with his penis in his hand.

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