Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Democracy in full bloom

On my stroll to the bakery, I spotted a Labour leafleteer. A bleak job, if ever there was one. Moments after he dropped his message of doom (sorry, 'appeal for votes') through their letter-boxes, two neighbours both erupted out of their front doors into the street. "I've had enough of these fucking pamphlets!" one rasped, hurling the red and yellow scrap of paper into the street and under my eagerly trampling shoes. With less community spirit, and more of the 'good neighbourliness' of apartheid South Africa, the women gave each other a look of disgust, then retreated back into their homes.

On the way back (my bag bulging with tasty treats) I noticed the leafleteer talking to one of the women. How he snaffled this interview, I have no idea. "So even you admit it - there were some good things happening under Labour" he said, er, labouring a point. His robust interlocutor gave a gesture of such disdain, I almost lost my footing.

Could someone remind me what elections are for? Nowadays most people vote for parties that hover around what used to be called the centre-right. And when, in the unusual case that a party or person of any distinction gets votes, such as the BNP, Hamas, Le Pen or Ahmadinejad, everyone starts howling.

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