Friday, March 31, 2006

Madness and incivility

I've been reading about Foucault, and I've taken some concrete steps (it's a mafia thing, mixing metaphors and all. You sleep with the fishes someday dogmat...). On the political front, he had Groupe d'information sur les Prisons. Following the great man, I have started wearing my activist Save Arrested Development teeshirt. Never mind that I watched the show downloaded off the internet for free, and that it has already been cancelled. 'Revolution o muerte' whatever the weather. Concerning technologies of the self, I have been teaching myself to throw with the left arm (which would be good since I am actually left-handed). For some reason right just felt right.

Now I know what you're thinking: "someone showed him that funny bit in Zizek's Orgasms without Bodies about the yuppies reading Guattari and Deleuze."
All I have to say is: we don't call them 'yuppies' anymore - it's now 'pinstriped cnuts', or simply 'the gainfully employed'.

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