Monday, December 04, 2006


The last few days I spent some time writing someone else's essay.
"Hume and induction", they said.
"Fuck it - I'll refute him off the top of my head", I said.
Five hours later and my bravado had turned to ashes.
"Easy", I'd said, "I'll deploy the old 'conditions of possible experience' argument." This turned out to be a mind-achingly complex process. In my gusto, I'd neglected to consult the secondary material (of which one must demonstrate a suitable knowledge!). I hadn't even looked on the internet for any vague guidance. My answer of choice demanded that I reread the transcendental deduction, and even then I wouldn't be sure whether all my analyses would actually answer the question (and one must answer the question!)
What's more, the issue of 'cheating' was troubling me. Luckily, I discovered that the wiring of the computer had - conveniently - created an electromagnetic zone of indiscernability right where I was sitting. One less thing to worry about, at least.

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